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A Guide to Keeping Utility Bills Low in the New Year


As the new year unfolds, it's the perfect time for reflection and positive changes. One area often overlooked is the impact of utility bills on your business's bottom line. Excessive spending on heating, cooling, and water bills is a strain on the budget that most companies never notice.

The good news is that there are many actionable ways to lower your utility bills, allowing you to reinvest more money into your business in 2024. Today, the team at Putman Restoration will explore practical and cost-effective strategies to keep your utility bills low while simultaneously protecting your business from water damage and mold growth.

Efficient Heating and Cooling Systems

An excellent way to improve efficiency is by optimizing your heating and cooling systems. Outdated or inefficient systems can lead to unnecessary energy consumption and increased costs. Consider investing in energy-efficient HVAC systems that provide better temperature control, saving money in the long run.

Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure optimal performance. Schedule professional inspections, cleanings, and filter replacements to keep your systems running smoothly. By maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature efficiently, you save on utility bills and create a less favorable environment for mold growth.

Seal and Insulate

A significant portion of energy loss in commercial spaces occurs through poorly sealed windows, doors, and gaps in the building envelope. Conduct a thorough inspection to identify and address these areas. Proper insulation and sealing can lead to substantial energy savings throughout the year.

Effective insulation not only helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature but also acts as a preventive measure against potential water damage. By sealing entry points, you reduce the risk of water intrusion, ultimately lowering the chances of mold growth in your commercial space.

Water-Efficient Fixtures and Practices

If you find yourself asking how to lower utility bills for your commercial space, water efficiency is key. Water bills can often be a silent budget killer, especially for businesses. Implementing water-efficient fixtures and practices is a smart strategy for reducing utility costs. Consider installing low-flow faucets and toilets to minimize water consumption without compromising functionality.

Regularly check for leaks and address them promptly. Even minor leaks can lead to significant water wastage and potential damage. By staying vigilant, you not only save on water bills but also decrease the risk of water-related damage. If you experience water damage in 2024, call Putman Restoration at (318) 252-1297, and we’ll get you up and running ASAP. 

Implementing Preventive Measures Against Water Damage

While focusing on utility bills, it's crucial to adopt preventive measures against water damage. Regularly inspect your building for signs of leaks, water intrusion, or damaged roofing. Promptly address any issues to avoid potential structural damage and mold growth. Invest in waterproofing solutions for vulnerable areas, especially basements and crawl spaces. 

Energy Audit Checklist for Businesses

At Putman Restoration, we strive to provide our clients with the tools they need to improve business operations and avoid unnecessary downtime. This checklist is designed to help business owners identify areas of improvement and implement simple yet effective strategies to enhance energy efficiency, ultimately leading to lower utility bills.

1. Lighting:

  • Replace Incandescent Bulbs: Swap out traditional incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED or CFL bulbs. These options not only consume less energy but also have a longer lifespan.
  • Install Motion Sensors: In areas with sporadic use, such as bathrooms or storage rooms, consider installing motion sensors to ensure lights are only active when needed.
  • Utilize Natural Light: Take advantage of natural light during daylight hours. Open curtains and blinds to reduce the reliance on artificial lighting.

2. HVAC Systems:

  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule routine maintenance for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Clean or replace filters, check for leaks, and ensure optimal performance.
  • Programmable Thermostats: Install programmable thermostats to adjust temperatures automatically during non-operational hours, saving energy and lowering heating and cooling costs.
  • Seal Ducts: Inspect and seal any leaks in the HVAC ductwork to prevent energy loss, ensuring that conditioned air reaches its intended destination.

3. Appliance Efficiency:

  • Energy Star Appliances: Invest in Energy Star-rated appliances, such as refrigerators, computers, and printers. These devices meet strict energy efficiency guidelines, contributing to significant long-term savings.
  • Turn Off Electronics: Encourage employees to power down computers, printers, and other electronic devices when not in use. Consider implementing power strips to make this process more convenient.

4. Sealing and Insulation:

  • Check Windows and Doors: Inspect windows and doors for gaps or drafts. Seal any openings with weather stripping or caulk to prevent heat loss during colder months.
  • Insulate Pipes: Wrap exposed pipes with insulation to conserve hot water heat, reducing the workload on water heaters and minimizing energy consumption.

5. Water Efficiency:

  • Repair Leaks Promptly: Regularly inspect plumbing for leaks and fix them promptly. Leaks not only waste water but can also contribute to increased energy usage.
  • Install Low-Flow Fixtures: Upgrade faucets and toilets to low-flow alternatives, reducing water consumption without compromising functionality.

Start 2024 Off Right and Protect Your Business With Putman Restoration

The new year provides an excellent opportunity to reassess your business practices and make positive changes. By implementing these strategies to keep utility bills low, you not only save money but also create a safer and more sustainable business environment. 

Prioritizing energy efficiency and adopting preventive measures against water damage and mold growth ensures the long-term well-being of your business. For comprehensive commercial restoration services, including water damage, fire damage, mold, and storm damage, trust Putman Restoration to safeguard your business and keep it thriving in the new year.

Comprehensive Property Damage Restoration Services 

Putman Restoration is proud to serve Shreveport, LA, and the surrounding communities in 2024 and beyond. We offer a suite of services to protect your business, including water damage restoration, fire damage restoration, and mold remediation. Call us today at (318) 252-1297 or contact us online.

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